"May is Older Americans Month", "Did you know that May is Older Americans Month", "We celebrate Older Americans Month in May". These are phrases I've heard several times since starting my new job. Translation of these phrases to those not familiar with working as an activity professional.... "May is a very busy month". This is true. Where I work we are having several large events to celebrate Older Americans Month. A Garden Blessing, a 100th birthday party, mother's day social, several special outings, Employee Appreciation, Employee Recognition, a casino night and a very large very special ice cream social. This is on top of all the other regular scheduled events. I think I'll be very tired this month. Maybe I can take a nap in June.
What is Older Americans Month? It was started in 1963, but became a yearly event in 1980 by President Jimmy Carter. Administration on Aging
Every year there is a theme. This year we are using the theme Connecting the Community. We plan on connecting the community through events open to the community, and notices to local papers. I am lucky, the facility I work at is very connected to the community.
So, take some time this month to honor Older Americans. This is a population that is growing in number every day. There will be challenges our country faces with our aging population. We will need to continue to provide services to meet their ever changing needs. I am proud to say I serve the Older American population and have done so my entire professional career.